Can I Sue My Dentist?

Malpractice can occur in any field of medicine, including dentistry. If a dental professional acts negligently, you have the right to bring a claim.

Both dentists and dental hygienists have an obligation to provide a standard level of care. If they fail to meet this standard, damages from dental malpractice can include payment of medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, and wrongful death.

While dental malpractice claims in Massachusetts are complex, there is a set of rules and statutes to ensure injured parties receive compensation for below-standard care.

Dental malpractice suits typically result from negligent dental work, delayed diagnosis or treatment of a disease, or the failure to diagnose or treat a condition. Infections caused by negligent work, the removal of the wrong tooth, or dental implant defects causing pain are a few examples of concerns that may warrant a dental malpractice suit.

Due to the specific rules of presenting a dental malpractice claim, you should speak to a lawyer immediately following injury or discovery of an injury.

Injured parties must prove the following in order to obtain dental malpractice recovery in Massachusetts:

  • the existence of a doctor-patient relationship
  • treatment was below the standard of care
  • negligent treatment was the cause of injury
  • damages resulted from the injury

If you have any questions about dental malpractice, don’t hesitate and contact our office today. As a skilled medical malpractice lawyer, we can help you file a dental malpractice lawsuit in Massachusetts.

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